OSSD (Online)
Ontario Secondary School Diploma
OSSD是Ontario Secondary School Diploma的簡稱,就是安省高中畢業證書。加拿大安大略省高中學歷教育,是全世界最先進的中學課程體系之一,以其優質嚴格的教學管理在全世界具有極高的認可度,被加拿大、美國、英國、澳大利亞全部大學承認,是進入世界大學的通用文憑。
✓Enhance the university admission rate to 100%.
✓Improve student’s English level.
✓Provide different learning paths and opportunities for students.
✓Study without pressure (no examination is required, evaluated by homework or projects).
✓Provide networking opportunities between secondary schools and universities.
✓Focus on STEM + A, collaboration, and project-based learning.
✓Gives the students a high-level perspective on how to solve a problem
✓Enhance student’s deep thinking when working on school projects.

The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) is a certificate that is awarded to students who, at the end of Grade 12, have fully met the graduation requirements of Ontario’s OSSD program. The OSSD and the student’s final transcript will allow them to gain admission into universities and colleges worldwide.
OSSD DSE 海外昇學 海外升學 出國留學 OSSD 加拿大 移民 入大學 OSSD DSE 海外昇學 海外升學 出國留學 OSSD 加拿大 移民 入大學 OSSD DSE 海外昇學 海外升學 出國留學 OSSD 加拿大 移民 入大學 OSSD DSE 海外昇學 海外升學 出國留學 OSSD 加拿大 移民 入大學 OSSD DSE 海外昇學 海外升學 出國留學 OSSD 加拿大 移民 入大學
70%: 出席率及功課表現
30%: 校內考試評核

•2 Lesson per week with instructor/teacher.
•In person class sessions 5 days a week with instructor/teacher..
•At least 1 mandatory one-on-one session during Project/Assignment Work, per week, first session scheduled by teacher, further sessions scheduled by the student.
Project/Assignment Work Hours will be introduced and guided by the teacher daily.
In Ontario, project and assignment work hours are included in the “required class hours”
All other Academic resources are available anytime on the classroom website
The Dual High School Diploma Program is all about flexibility. Students in this program have the option of completing it entirely online. For those students who wish to experience an international learning experience, they do have the option to complete one summer on campus at Fulford Academy. There are two pathway options available for this program:
Grade 9 (S3-4) Pathway
1. Students attend their regular academic year in their home country completing the Grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 courses necessary to earn their high school diploma.
2. Over a period of 2 years, the student will complete the 7 credits necessary to obtain an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Students in the Grade 9 pathway are only eligible to begin the dual diploma program once they have completed Grade 9 in their home country.
The Grade 9 Pathway sessions breakdown as follows:
Session 1: July to August: Complete 1 credit following Grade 9 academic year
Session 2: September to June: Complete 3 credits during Grade 10 academic year in their home country (2 credits in first semester, 1 credit in second semester)
Session 3: July to August: Complete 1 credit following Grade 10 academic year
Session 4: September to June: Complete final 2 credits during Grade 11 academic year
Grade 10 (S4-5) Pathway
1. Students attend their regular academic year in their home country completing the Grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 courses necessary to earn their high school diploma.
2. Over a period of 14 months, the student will complete the 7 credits necessary to obtain an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Students in the Grade 10 pathway are only eligible to begin the dual diploma program once they have completed Grade 10 in their home country.
The Grade 10 Pathway sessions breakdown as follows:
Session 1: July to August: Complete 2 credits following Grade 10 academic year.
Session 2: September to June: Complete 3 credits during Grade 11 academic year in their home country.
Session 3: July to August: Complete final 2 credits following Grade 11 academic year.
CQF X OSSD 讓你以最少科目及成本達致相等之學歷,相比起國際學校十分之一學費考取好成績。
除了加拿大國際,CQF是香港唯一現時提供與海外學院擁有專屬關係的Dual diploma OSSD(online) 教育中心。課程由海外大學設計及海外導師教授,擁有質素保證。
只要於CQF修讀完成online OSSD的課程,並提供online OSSD的證書,同學可以報讀海外大學,而CQF亦保證同學100%能夠選擇入讀BAU不同地方的大學。